After a mission gone bad, Navy SEAL Keanu Kalen is forced into an unwanted vacation. He finds himself in the arms of a gorgeous woman in the sun and sand in Mexico thinking he doesn’t have a care in the world. That is until his superiors inform him that she’s a terrorist and he’s ordered to bring her back to the states.
When Ainsley Emerson let her twin sister take her place in a scuba dive, she had no way of knowing that would be the last time she’d see her sister again. Nor could she predict that months later, she’d be accused of treason. After waking up in Mexico, broken and without identification, she begs a total stranger to help her get back to the states so she can prove her innocence.
When Keanu’s plan to bring Ainsley in ends in tragedy, he seeks the help of old friends, only to find out he is now considered a traitor to his country.
Keanu and Ainsley will have to work together to prove they are innocent of all crimes and in the process, they will uncover a sinister plan with an unlikely twist that will change their world forever.

After spending the last six months deployed in an undisclosed location, all Navy SEAL Wyatt Jackson wants is to kick back, relax, and enjoy a little country music by his favorite local singer. For the last five years, Wyatt has done his best to squelch his feelings for Clover Sullivan. Not only is she young, but she’s the daughter of a man he served with. A man Wyatt promised he’d help watch over his little girl. Wyatt knows how to keep a safe distance, but when strange things start happening, and Clover is threatened, Wyatt isn’t going to sit on the sidelines. He will do whatever it takes to protect Clover from a deadly stalker.
Even if it means putting his life…and his heart on the line.

Olympia Anderson doesn’t like the military, but she has a special disliking for Navy. Not only does she blame the Navy for the disappearance of her twin brother, but she believes they’ve done nothing to find him. As a matter of fact, she thinks they are covering it up and she will stop at nothing to find out what really happened, including breaking into her next-door neighbors condo who she believes was the last one to see her brother.
Landon Asher has had his share of pain and heartache. Six years ago, at the ripe old age of twenty-four, he lost his wife and six-month-old baby to a tragedy. He’s done his best to pick up the pieces of his life and move forward, but a part of him has one foot in the past and the rest is dedicated to his brothers in arms. That is until his sexy neighbor climbs through his window one evening and tugs at his heartstrings, reminding him about the young lieutenant who had suddenly disappeared without a trace.
The more he investigates, the more he realizes something isn’t right.
And his digging just put Olympia in the line of fire.

Katina Freedom made a huge mistake when she’d been sixteen and she’s been paying for it ever since. However, she’d paid her debt to society and all she wanted to do was ease back into the community, get a job, and live a quiet life without drawing any attention to herself.
She’d managed to turn her life around and even found herself a boyfriend. A good man. A man she could love.
Only, it seemed fate had other ideas for her and now she has to choose between the past and the future.
Parker “Baby” Roman is tired of playing the field. He might be young, but he’s ready to settle down and have a family and he has his sights set on the sexy, but aloof hostess of his favorite local water hole.
But Baby is ill-prepared to find out the woman of his dreams is a convicted felon and being with her could ruin his career. However, he’ll have to set all that aside when Katina’s life is on the line. He’ll do what it takes, but then he’ll have to let her go.
Or will he do what is in his heart?

Navy SEAL Lincoln Thomas loved only one woman and he’d walked away from her almost five years ago when he realized he’d never fit into her world and she’d never accept he couldn’t turn his back on his country. Never in a million years did he expect to see her standing on his front doorstep on a stormy night, totally drenched, and in a wedding dress, covered in blood.
Naomi “Princess” Grant, daughter of Edward Grant, one of the biggest real-estate moguls in the world has never had to worry about anything a day in her life, hence, the name Princess. However, her life isn’t all that it’s cracked up to be. Five years ago, her forced to break up with the only man she would ever love and pushed her into a relationship that met the needs of the family business. And now, on the eve of her wedding, her father, and her betrothed are murdered, and she’s the one holding the smoking gun.

Everything in Marlowe Chapmen’s life is falling into place. Her career as an actress is finally taking off, but there is one thing missing. Ever since Marlowe became an adult, she’s been searching for the man who had saved her life when she’d been ten years old and who had made all this possible by literally killing her past. As she travels from one Navy base to the next, looking for Slade, she hadn’t expected she’d fall in head over heels for another Navy man. Nor could she anticipate that her secret had already been exposed, setting off a chain of events that would not only put her life in danger, but could expose her true identity as the daughter of a Russian terrorist.
Bryce Carson has dedicated his adult life to the Navy and protecting the United States of America, an oath he doesn’t take lightly. When the famous Marlowe breezes into his life, he’s shocked she even gives him a second glance. She teaches him there’s more to life than chasing the adrenaline rush at work and playing video games to relax. But there is one thing Bryce can’t tolerate—or forgive—and that’s deception.
So, when he finds out Marlowe isn’t exactly who she says she is, Bryce has to decide can he forgive the betrayal, because under the circumstances, would he have done the same thing?