I’m so in love with this series and one of the things I enjoy the most about it is the fact that I’m coming full circle.
I’ve gone back to my roots both as a writer and as a person.
As a little girl, my favorite place on earth was always Lake George. Every summer my family would pack up the Suburban and we’d head up to Cleverdale where we’d spend our summers. When I turned ten, I fell in love with Camp Chingachgook, a YMCA camp on Pilot Knob Road. I can still close my eyes and transport myself there as if it were yesterday.
Last fall I visited one of my best friends from camp and she took me on a trip into the past. I got to visit with old friends and walk the grounds. It was different, but also the same.
Shattered Dreams is dedicated to all my Chingachgook friends, but a special shout-out goes to Deb Katz, Clay Mowery, and Andy Potts. For a couple of summers, we were the four musketeers. They made getting tossed out of the senior unit well worth it.
This story really has nothing to do with my time there, or at camp, other than I mention a camp located on Pilot Knob and the waterskiing in the bay. I also mention camping in the Narrows and the country store located at the end of Cleverdale. All staples in my childhood.
The other thing I did was bring in the very first hero I ever wrote, Jared Blake. God, I love Jared. He’s a New York State Trooper and he has a tendency to show up in a few books across the NY State Trooper Series, as well as the Legacy Series. Next week I’ll be adding the series page for that one. It’s oh so good. But I digress.
As you can see from the sidebar, In Two Weeks is free on platforms, so go download it while you can. And go pre-order Shattered Dreams! It’s yummy!